I need to start focusing on me.
The play, is finally over. I will miss the cast, but that's it. The staff there are the most mean, frustrating, and disrespectful people I have ever had to deal with. I've been with the same theatre for four years, but now that all the "people in charge" have changed, the theatre isint fun anymore. And that just sucks. I love theatre, and working on theatre, but I shouldn't end up in the bathroom crying over something that is supposed to be fun. I am obligated to stage manage "It Runs in the Family" from March-May but after that I think I'm gonna think long and hard about going back next season. In any case, I finally have my life back now that the show is done. I haven't had any free time in months. It's nice to be able to come home from work, cook a full dinner, and just relax instead of constantly watching the time and having to run back out.
I want to start doing more things that make me happy. I love to paint. I want to do that more. I want to really get this apartment neat and organized, and finally make it look like a home. I've been here since March, and it's still not really put together. I need a lot of stuff, but I've got to try and start working with what I got. I'm hoping to paint some furniture this weekend, if I have the money for paint.
I think I'm going to stop trying to make plans with people. I need to learn to love my alone time. It seems friends tend to disappoint me. Constantly. Which in turn upsets me, so why do I keep putting up with it? If people want to see me, they can initiate the plans right? That way I'm not constantly putting myself down, wondering if they are feeling obligated to spend time with me. I think I need to love myself, and be 100 percent comfortable with ME, before I can expect anyone else to.
On a completly awesome note, my favorite author in the entire world, Harlan Coben, is coming to our little tiny town :) And it's on a Sunday, so I get to go! March 28th. Can't wait!
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